The Journey Begins
Join the adventure of our PM lead, who kicked off his journey in 2021 with a small team. From day one, Agus Firmansyah (or “Iping” as we all called him) has been the driving force behind a slew of game-changing products that fueled the company’s growth.

On The Journey
Despite facing challenges, he fought for his ideas by presenting data, diving into the field, and communicating clearly with all stakeholders. His resilience and strategic approach turned obstacles into triumphs, leaving a lasting impact on Soul Parking’s success!
[insert photo product developed by iping]
What’s next?
Buckle up for Iping’s next adventure at Soul Parking! This time, he’s set on elevating not just the parking game but also the overall environment. Get ready for a journey of growth and transformation as Iping aims to take Soul Parking to new heights, creating a positive impact on parking solutions!
What they say about Iping
“Iping itu game changer di team IT soalnya dia experience di product. Kami tahunya hanya kode kode dan kode, tetapi Iping membawa perspektif baru ke tim bahwa ada PoV lain yang bisa diambil.”
“Iping juga bukan PM yang bisanya cuma minta selesai tanggal sekian. Dia paham bahwa tidak semua hal bisa diselesaikan dengan waktu beberapa hari dari sisi teknis. Tidak semua Product Manager dari cerita yang saya dengar di luar sana bisa punya relasi yang baik sama tim teknis.”
Fun Story with Iping:
“Iping itu pernah ketika kejadian transisi sistem di salah satu lokasi klien dari online ke full offline, dia rela untuk pasang badan dan menyelesaikan masalah disana dengan bantuin tapping, even pakai kartu nya dia, meanwhile team engineering lagi banting tulang untuk secepatnya nulis kode dan remote support dari kantor.
Setelah team IT berhasil memindahkan sistem di lokasi tersebut full offline, akhirnya kita semua bisa lebih bernafas dibanding kemarin-kemarin.”